Non-Sequiturs: 04.15.18

* Has it really come to this? Protesting a nice, nerdy, thoughtful law professor, simply because he questions the constitutionality of DACA (while supporting the DREAM Act)? [Josh Blackman]

* How much should we read into Team Mueller’s reassurance to President Trump that he is a subject rather than a target of its investigation? Not much, according to veteran criminal defense lawyer Joel Cohen. [The Hill]

* How would William Howard Taft have responded to attacks on judges? The POTUS turned SCOTUS chief was quite prescient about judicial independence — as explained by Jeff Rosen, author of a new Taft biography (affiliate link). [Volokh Conspiracy / Reason]

* Speaking of SCOTUS, what’s it like to work in the Solicitor General’s Office? One of the OSG’s newest members, former SCOTUS clerk Jonathan Ellis, pulls back the curtain. [Penn Law via How Appealing]

* How does Justice Gorsuch compare to Justice Scalia — not just in terms of personality, but also in terms of jurisprudence? [Empirical SCOTUS]

* And speaking of Justice Gorsuch, congratulations to Tobi Young, who will be clerking for NMG in October Term 2018 — and who is believed to be the first enrolled citizen of a Native American tribe to clerk for the Court. (By the way, I have another SCOTUS clerk hiring roundup in the works, so please send me your hiring news.) [Chickasaw Nation]

* Are you a healthcare lawyer? You might be interested in this new tool from Bloomberg Law. [Dewey B Strategic]

* Friendly reminder: the Global Legal Hackathon is entering its final stage, and you’re invited — hope to see you on April 21! [Artificial Lawyer]
Non-Sequiturs: 04.15.18 syndicated from

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